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Advanced TRS®
For Tractor Trailer Lorry

Utilising patented Active Flow Control technology, Ogab® has developed a breakthrough system that reduces aerodynamic drag on HGVs to reduce fuel consumption by up to 20%.


Advance TRS®

Making diesel vehicles go further…
much, much further.

Our breakthrough Advanced TRS® technology was implemented on a virtual test case vehicle – A  Tractor Trailer Lorry.

The test results indicated a 40% reduction in the vehicle drag coefficient.

This reduction could yield up to a 20% saving in fuel consumption, together with increased performance and a significant reduction in C02 emissions.

It also puts less demand on the engine in a like-for-like journey scenario, therefore, extending the vehicle’s lifespan and reducing maintenance costs.

Commercial vehicle fleets cover many thousands of miles, consuming large amounts of fuel. This is costly for the fleet operator  and is damaging to the environment due to the C02 and other emissions.

Vehicle design teams and other research groups are constantly looking for innovative ways to reduce these negative impacts, particularly through the reduction in drag on the vehicle.

How our Advanced TRS® system works

Ogab®’s Advanced TRS® technology offers the potential of up to 40.19% reduction in drag coefficient by using energy that would otherwise be lost.

For the current tractor-trailer style HGV, the average fuel consumption is about 6 miles per gallon. This value is equal to 46.9 litres per 100 kilometres.

Deploying the proposed Active Flow Control strategy results in an additional 1.2 miles per gallon at highway/motorway speeds. This means that around 9.38 litres of fuel is saved per 100 kilometres that is driven by the tractor-trailer.

To find out more on how we achieved these breakthrough results through our Advanced TRS® technology, get in touch today.